Charlotte's Tip of the Month

Sentence Fragments

Many people are confused by sentences. They think if they write a sentence that is very short, they will be wrong. They think if they write a sentence that is really long, they will be wrong. What should you do? Here is an easy way to think of sentences: A…


One of the most basic parts of writing well is simply to proofread. Even professional writers proofread, so of course our students need to proofread. Writing is a process and after you write your assignment or essay or email (OK, probably not texts) you must still proofread. We suggest the…

Asking the Right Questions

Can people read your mind? Of course not! That’s why when we write, we must make sure we explain enough so that our audience can understand. Here’s the tip: ask yourself how and why as you write. The answers are the information you most likely need to include to make…