Charlotte's Tip of the Month

Easy to Confuse: Many and Much

At a certain point in learning to speak, read, and write English, we arrive at a point where something sounds right or sounds wrong. (This is a key reason why the best way to proofread is to read what you wrote aloud so you can hear mistakes as well as…

The Dreaded Semicolon Is Totally Cool, part 2

We’re back with another look at semicolons. That’s right, the fun won’t stop! This time let’s examine how semicolons are the crucial ingredient you need to write an effective, complex list full of details and information. Last time, we looked at the main way semicolons are used to connect two…

The Dreaded Semicolon Is Totally Cool, part 1

If there is one type of punctuation that most commonly confuses writers of all ages, it is the semicolon. You know, the comma with the dot hovering over it. However, using semicolons is not difficult once you know the rules of the two main ways to use them. Today, we’ll…