Meet Our Tutors
Rachel G. gets SpiderSmart Kids hooked on the classics
Of SpiderSmart, Rachael says, “I’ve worked for dozens of schools, and this is by far my favorite. So much of critical thinking and communication can be improved by reading and writing as much as possible.” From her experience, she observes, “Tragically, schools no longer teach such skills, and it makes me sad to see a whole generation not learning reading, analysis, and writing as skills.”
However, SpiderSmart Students appreciate Rachael’s understanding of the characters and stories, which leads to excellent discussions and sharing of perceptions. She even taught a SpiderSmart class on Homer’s The Odyssey, a challenging work of literature Rachael has read multiple times.
Jeannie Jung, SpiderSmart’s President, says of Rachael, “The kids are so impressed by her knowledge of the books. They are all excited to be learning from Rachael.”
We love all the talented teachers that make SpiderSmart special and strong!