Students—Get Involved!

Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I learn. – Ben Franklin

What the great Ben Franklin says is true—you need to be involved in your education.

As a student, your main job is to learn. That means you need to trust your teacher, try your best, and be willing to be involved.

What’s so important about being involved with your education?

Activities engage your brain. You are doing and learning, and the doing part helps you remember what you have learned. Equations, concepts, dates, scientific facts, and even those pesky rules of grammar will become knowledge you keep forever.

This school year, decide to participate. Whether you’re researching alone, working in a group project, helping with a partner, giving a speech, supporting a fund drive, or putting on a school play, give it your best effort.

It’s a new school year, so let’s be interactive, engaged, and involved to make it great! Have fun!