SpiderSmart Summer Camps

You can’t spend summer lounging around being bored, kids. Sure, you can go bike riding or play in a park outside or go swimming or take a walk or get together with friends or go on a lovely family vacation. All of that is awesome! However, we would like to suggest: Don’t Forget Your Brain.

At SpiderSmart, summertime is about the balance between keeping our brains busy and having some fun. Our Summer Camps will keep kids learning while school’s out. What do you like? Here are a few types of course and classes you might find:

Book Clubs for discussing and writing about great books of all kinds.

Reading & Writing makes clear common literary concepts at every grade level.

Grammar sessions will keep those basic yet necessary skills sharp.

Phonics classes for younger students make strong, confident readers.

Spelling Bees are a great way to increase spelling skills while having fun.

Math is necessary in every grade, and we have you covered, from elementary on up.

Public Speaking is a great way to practice this important ability in a no-stress environment.

Debating teaches logic, organization, and the art of calm persuasion.

Test Taking Strategies opens a new world of confidence for all ages.

Session dates, prices, and offerings vary so please check with your local SpiderSmart Learning Center to find out more.

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