Let’s Go Back to School
Back to School is a state of mind
Parents and students must prepare themselves for the weeks and months ahead that will bring challenges, tasks, schedules, along with some of the best experiences of fun activities, positive lessons learned, and new friends. Let’s get back to school!
One major worry reported by so many parents is dealing with homework and how to keep their child caught up with so many assignments. We know about the standard Summer Slump and how COVID-19 brought incredible stress to all our lives that is still lingering for many of us. These worries are real, but they can be handled successfully.
Most students need guidance and oversight to stay organized and on track for the school year. However, parents often need a little help too! From bus schedules to packing lunches to project deadlines—there is so much involved in any parent/student school experience.
Students: Rely on some help from siblings and friends.
Parents: Interact with other parents and teachers.
No one has to face all the responsibilities and remember every detail alone. We all need some help, and we can support each other. Students can form study groups, find homework help buddies, and make connections to keep up with school through technology or word of mouth. Parents can easily keep in touch directly with teachers and support staff at school as well as offer and accept help as needed concerning activities and parent groups at school. Seek some help and have some fun!
SpiderSmart offers many options for students, from our Reading & Writing and Math programs providing the skills and techniques to stay ahead in school, to general homework help and tutoring in a variety of specific subjects. Our Learning Centers are places for students to refresh and refocus, knowing the explanations, support, and patience they need will be provided.
Make SpiderSmart part of your child’s weekly schedule for the steady support we all need to have a hectic yet wonderful school year!